Relevant data: The big opportunity
Big data is more than just a buzz word; it’s a movement where organizations can leverage customer data for personalized, relevant communication for various business objectives. Research says that about 90% of all the data in the world today has been created in the past few years. According to IBM, 2.5 exabytes of data was generated every day in 2012 and about 75% of data is unstructured. Also mobile phone penetration is forecasted to grow from 61% of global population in 2013 to nearly 70% by 2017.This is “BIG” by any standards.
75% of unstructured data is residing in different formats in different sources. Organizations need to first move to a unified platform by collating all the available data into one place and one format. All organizations store big data but they need relevant data for analyzing and gaining insights of customer, according to EY’s analytics value chain.
Relevant data gives a 360 degree customer view to better understand the customer to provide relevant, timely interactions. Research says that early adopters of 360° view will get competitive advantage over their rivals. This relevant data is small when compared to big data and can be used by all stakeholders of an organization to fulfill different objectives.
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